‘Cat’s Cradle’ by Kurt Vonnegut

Ciervo Blanco Book Club organizes a book discussion in English about the novel ‘Cat’s Cradle’ by Kurt Vonnegut

This is a free book discussion in English. The only requirement is to have read the book!

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Cat’s Cradle is Kurt Vonnegut’s satirical commentary on modern man and his madness. An apocalyptic tale of this planet’s ultimate fate, it features a midget as the protagonist, a complete, original theology created by a calypso singer, and a vision of the future that is at once blackly fatalistic and hilariously funny. A book that left an indelible mark on an entire generation of readers, Cat’s Cradle is one of the twentieth century’s most important works—and Vonnegut at his very best.

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Kurt Vonnegut was born in Indianapolis in 1922. He studied at the universities of Chicago and Tennessee and later began to write short stories for magazines. His first novel, Player Piano, was published in 1951 and since then he has written many novels, among them: The Sirens of Titan (1959), Mother Night (1961), Cat’s Cradle (1963), God Bless You Mr Rosewater (1964), Welcome to the Monkey House; a collection of short stories (1968), Breakfast of Champions (1973), Slapstick, or Lonesome No More (1976), Jailbird (1979), Deadeye Dick (1982), Galapagos (1985), Bluebeard (1988) and Hocus Pocus (1990). During the Second World War he was held prisoner in Germany and was present at the bombing of Dresden, an experience which provided the setting for his most famous work to date, Slaughterhouse Five (1969). He has also published a volume of autobiography entitled Palm Sunday (1981) and a collection of essays and speeches, Fates Worse Than Death (1991).

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Book discussion: ‘Cat’s Cradle’ by Kurt Vonnegut

When: Saturday, February 20th, 2020 at 18:00 (6pm, Madrid local time)

Where: Zoom, online. ID: 727-737-7475
Password, if any, will be “cb”.

Language: English (we’ll discuss it in English)

Organizer: Adrian Diaz

Contact: +34 668853320

Mandatory: Read the book

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