‘The three body problem’, by Cixin Liu

the three-body problem cixin liu book discussion madrid free novel ciervo blanco club
The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu

Ciervo Blanco Book Club organizes in Madrid a book discussion in English about the novel ‘The three body problem’, by Cixin Liu

This is a free book discussion in English. The only requirement is to have read the book!

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Fans of hard SF will revel in this intricate and imaginative novel by one of China’s most celebrated genre writers. In 1967, physics professor Ye Zhetai is killed after he refuses to denounce the theory of relativity. His daughter, Ye Wenjie, witnesses his gruesome death.

Shortly after, she’s falsely charged with sedition for promoting the works of environmentalist Rachel Carson, and told she can avoid punishment by working at a defense research facility involved with the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. More than 40 years later, Ye’s work becomes linked to a string of physicist suicides and a complex role-playing game involving the classic physics problem of the title.

Liu impressively succeeds in integrating complex topics—such as the field of frontier science, which attempts to define the limits of science’s ability to know nature—without slowing down the action or sacrificing characterization.

Publishers Weekly

Wildly imaginative, really interesting.

President Barack Obama

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Cixin Liu

Liu Cixin is the award-winning Chinese author behind the Three-Body novel. In China, he has won the prestigious Galaxy Award multiple times, and when his masterpiece, The Three-Body Problem, was translated into English by Ken Liu and published by Tor, it was met with overwhelming critical acclaim and won the 2015 Hugo for best novel..

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Book Discussion: ‘The three body problem’, by Cixin Liu

When: Saturday 14th December 2019 at 17:00 (5pm Madrid local time)

Where: Residencia de Estudiantes – Pinar, 21, Madrid

Language: English (we’ll debate in English)

Organizer: Adrian Diaz

Contact: +34 668853320

Mandatory: Read the book

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The Three-Body Problem

Free book discussion about the novel THE THREE-BODY PROBLEM by CIXIN LIU, organized by Ciervo Blanco Book Club in Madrid.

Contact: +34 668853320


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